The correct specification of doors – particularly fire doors – is beset with legal and legislative requirements for all of the partners in the supply chain from specifier, through installers to the final owners of the door in situ.
Fire doors are critical life safety devices and, as such, there are legal requirements to fulfil for everyone involved. Since 2006, responsibility for maintaining fire and escape doors has been placed firmly with the building owners and operators since the introduction of the RRO (Regulatory Reform Order) which came into effect in October of that year. The RRO – which applies to England and Wales – covers the fire safety duties required to protect the “relevant person” – visitors, staff, residents etc. Building owners must show that they have carried out a risk assessment on their premises – and this includes ensuring that fire and escape doors have the correct hardware fitted and, importantly, appropriately maintained. They must also be able to produce the documentation to show that the products are suitable for their application, proving that all parties have exercised due diligence in fulfilling their duty of care.
We are experienced in supplying, designing and scheduling fire doors and are happy to help with technical, legal and regulatory advice in this critical field.
If you need any help or guidance around the legislation around doors and hardware, get in touch.