Haribo Production Facility

Harris Partnership


Haribo Production Facility

Confectionery giant Haribo’s production plant at Castleford is situated near junction 31 on the M62 motorway close to Haribo’s existing base at Pontefract in West Yorkshire.

£92 million state-of-the-art manufacturing facility has four production buildings, an energy conservation centre, silo buildings, a dispatch building and a gatehouse and has capacity to produce 48,000 tonnes of sweets a year.

Given the hygiene, processing and temperature requirements of the project, Em-B faced challenging specifications for functionality as well as appearance.

What we offered

Em-B designed, supplied and installed an integrated access control system that maintains security protocols in the building whilst maintaining hygiene standards throughout the offices and factory at Haribo. The Em-B team fully coordinated the whole system integrating multiple entrances and obstacles. Em-B’s access control systems can be scaled for any size of building, adapted for any use, and fully integrated with IT and personnel protocols.